Peyman Mohajerin Esfahani is an Associate Professor at the Delft Center for Systems and Control, and a co-director of the Delft-AI Energy Lab at Delft University of Technology. He joined TU Delft in October 2016 as an assistant professor. Prior to that, he held several research appointments at the Risk Analytics and Optimization Chair at EPFL, at the Automatic Control Laboratory at ETH Zurich, and at the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology between 2014 and 2016. He received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees from Sharif University of Technology, Iran, and the PhD degree from ETH Zurich. His research interests include theoretical and practical aspects of decision-making problems in uncertain and dynamic environments, with applications in engineering systems and management.
He currently serves as an associate editor of Operations Research, Mathematical Programming, Transactions on Automatic Control, and Open Journal of Mathematical Optimization. He was one of the three finalists for the Young Researcher Prize in Continuous Optimization awarded by the Mathematical Optimization Society in 2016. He was a recipient of the 2016 George S. Axelby Outstanding Paper Award from the IEEE Control Systems Society, an award that recognizes the best paper published in the past two years in the IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. In 2020 he also received the ERC Starting Grant and the INFORMS Frederick W. Lanchester Prize for the best contribution to operations research and management science in the past five years. He is the recipient of the 2022 European Control Award.
2021-present: Associate Professor, Delft Center for Systems and Control, TU Delft, The Netherlands
2021-present: Co-director, Delft-AI Energy Lab, TU Delft, The Netherlands
2016-2021: Assistant Professor, Delft Center for Systems and Control, TU Delft, The Netherlands
2014-2016: Postdoctoral Researcher (multiple appointments)
2008-2014: Ph.D., Automatic Control Laboratory, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
2005-2008: M.Sc., Electrical Engineering Department, Sharif University of Technology, Iran
2000-2005: B.Sc., Electrical Engineering Department, Sharif University of Technology, Iran