
Research content

Our current research focuses on the development of decision-making tools by advancing algorithmic methods from the area of data-driven control and online optimization. The emphasis will be on the performance and computational aspects in the presence of uncertainties (stochastic systems) and information constraints (distributed nature). Our research is motivated by applications in control and security of large-scale and distributed engineering systems. Examples include smart buildings, power and water distribution networks as well as smart energy systems.


We currently have an open position at PhD or Postdoctoral level. We are looking for candidates with

  • strong mathematical skills and solid background in one of the areas of Systems and Control, Operations Research, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, or a related field; and

  • excellent command of the English language and communication skills.


  • Detailed CV including contact information of two references

  • Academic transcripts of (under)graduate coursework for PhD applicants

  • Brief description (2-3 paragraphs) about any prior research experience
    If you are interested, please submit your application or inquiries to